Jason Finds the Perfect Volunteer Opportunity with Distance Computer Comfort

March 18, 2020

Jason is a marketing consultant, working primarily with tech companies to drive more traffic to their websites.

“I thought it’d be a good idea to do some volunteering, and to me it makes sense to volunteer time in an area where you’re skilled,” he says.

Through his research, Jason came across Neil Squire’s Distance Computer Comfort program, which was looking for tutors to help people with disabilities learn valuable computer skills.

Zosia with Jason

Jason met Zosia in person when she invited him for a presentation at a Langley Pos-Abilities Board of Directors meeting

For Jason, who has done one form or another of teaching for 20 years, it was a natural fit. He was paired with students eager to learn.

Seeing students make incredible progress made him proud.

“She has so much energy, and she just tackled so much,” he says of Zosia, one such student he tutored in PowerPoint (opens in a new window).“It got advanced very fast. I was very impressed to see her grow that quickly. I was surprised.”

And he found himself learning.

“I actually had to look up a bunch of things that I had forgotten or never learned. Having to learn again, how to speak more clearly, sometimes I used too much jargon,” Jason says.

Jason is happy that he decided to volunteer as a Distance Computer Comfort tutor.

“I enjoyed what I was doing, and I met great people there. The demands on a person’s time were not unreasonable, they were quite flexible.

“I was very impressed with the program. I’d definitely highly recommend it to anyone else. I would hope there are more organizations like Neil Squire in the future that provide this opportunity.”

Our Distance Computer Comfort program is currently looking for volunteer tutors. For more information, call Gordon at 1 877 673 4636 or visit neilsquire.ca/dcc.