Today we are going to look at a relatively new productivity app that shows a lot of promise. It’s not exactly novel or unique, but it offers a ton of productivity tools in one package, and it does a great job of pulling these tools together into one very useful package.
Notion is a notetaking and project-management tool that allows you to create notes, documents, to-dos, wikis, and more, and it does so with the help of a built-in AI assistant.
And when it comes to document creation, Notion gives you a lot of tools to work with. You can embed videos and images, create collapsible sections, table of contents, add charts, and much more.
Notion also has some great project management tools built into it. You can break projects down into tasks and subtasks as well as assign tasks to specific team members, add project status updates, and due dates. Choose between different views including database view, calendar view, and more. You’ll also see a progress bar that gives you a visual indication of your project’s progress.
Probably the most unique thing about this app is that it combines the aforementioned features with something that is rather new to this type of app. Notion AI is an optional, paid, add-on that acts as a virtual assistant. You can ask the assistant questions such as “when is this project due”, or “who is assigned to this project”. The AI assistant can also help with a variety of writing tasks including creating insights, action items or instant summaries. However you used it, this built-in AI assistant has a ton of potential to make this productivity app even more productive.
The app also offers a wide variety of templates including recruiting templates, meeting summaries, script generators, and even templates that can be useful outside of the office such as a weekly meal prep template. The template categories include Work, School, Life, Projects, Wikis, and Docs with each category offering hundreds, sometimes thousands of options.
And because dates are so important when it comes to project management apps, Notion also offers a calendar add-on to keep even better track of your project timelines. The calendar app does everything you’d expect, but one downside is that it currently only integrates with Google, although support for Outlook calendars is on the way.
Notion is available for PC, Mac, iOS, and Android. The cost is $6.49 monthly or $61.99 yearly. To learn even more about Notion, click here (new window).
This post originally appeared on the AT Help Desk (new window) website.