“I Have More Freedom,” AJ Learns How to Use His Computer

July 25, 2024

About five years ago, AJ had a blood disorder that resulted in him losing both legs below the knee, as well as all of his fingers except for his thumbs. Having previously worked as a truck driver and in maintenance, he was unable to work.

Digital Jumpstart and Distance Computer Comfort participant AJ.Recently, his neighbour encouraged him to come along with him to the ConnecTra (new window) Abilities Expo (new window), where he learned about Neil Squire. Describing his experience using computers as “virtually none,” he joined our Digital Jumpstart and Distance Computer Comfort programs to get a better grasp on using them.

Through Digital Jumpstart, AJ received a laptop with Dragon Professional Individual 16 installed on it, as well as a headset and a trackball mouse.

As he isn’t able to type, he began learning how to use Dragon, which allows him to use and navigate his computer using his voice. He received tutoring from Distance Training Coordinator Gordon Watt.

“Gordon is such a good teacher,” he shares. “[He] is so calm, cool, and collected. And very patient. He’s just really good for all this kind of stuff.”

He began to get comfortable using Dragon, learning the importance of precise voice commands.

How does he feel about using a computer now?

“I’m not scared of it. The good thing is I used to be terrified at the thing. But now I can use it quite safely,” he says.

AJ says he would “absolutely” recommend Neil Squire’s Digital Literacy programs to others.

“[My life has] completely changed. I have more freedom, because I have the ability to do all this stuff from home or go somewhere else and do it from somewhere else. But the whole thing is having the ability to do these things,” he shares. “I don’t feel I would have the freedom that I do now [without these programs].”

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