The LipSync: An Evolution of Innovation / Le LipSync : une évolution de l’innovation
The Neil Squire Society has been researching and developing assistive technology solutions for decades.
We use technology, knowledge and passion to empower Canadians with disabilities.
Skip to NavigationThe Neil Squire Society has been researching and developing assistive technology solutions for decades.
Obtaining an Assistive Technology (AT) device can often be a life-changing event, but without the proper supports and training in place, AT users can sometimes become disenfranchised by their technology and put in aside, even though they may still require the AT.
We interviewed Harvey High School’s methods and resource teacher, Erika Hallett, about how Assistive Technology has affected her school, and how her students’ knowledge and adoption of Assistive Technology has positively affected their ability to transition from high school into post-secondary education, and beyond.
The iPad makes a fantastic Assistive Technology (AT) device for many different reasons, one being the multitude of apps that are available to assist with almost any task.
iPad est un appareil d’assistance formidable pour une foule de raisons, dont la multitude d’applications offertes pour aider à exécuter presque n’importe quelle tâche.
We’ve compiled a list featuring seven of the most important things to consider when choosing any piece of Assistive Technology /
Nous avons compilé une liste des sept facteurs les plus importants dont il faut tenir compte au moment de choisir une technologie d’assistance